2 Canine Illnesses That Can Cause Aggression In Your Pet

As a pet owner, you have a responsibility to ensure your dog's health and happiness. Dogs that are taken care of can make great companions for you and your family. Of course, even the healthiest and happiest of dogs can develop illnesses. Certain illnesses can have a neurological impact on your dog that may lead to aggression, and an aggressive dog can be a scary dog. Identifying illnesses that cause aggression in your dog can allow you to seek out the proper treatment to ensure the safety of both you and your pooch.

2 Important Tips for Adopting Your Child's First Pet

There are all kinds of reasons to let your child have a pet. Many parents feel that pet ownership helps children learn responsibility, and there are studies showing that children who grow up with pets also develop better social skills, more empathy, and a greater ability to nurture. However, that doesn't mean getting a pet should be an easy decision. You're not giving your child a thing, you're taking another living creature into your family—one that you, as the parent, will also be responsible for caring and providing for.