Normal Puppy Behavior

If you have brought home a new puppy, then you want to have a clear understanding of how a healthy puppy should act. This way you will be able to spot the signs of a puppy that may have something wrong with it so you can get it in to the vet right away so it can get proper treatment. This article will help you to have a better understanding of healthy and normal puppy behavior.

How To Prepare For Your Pregnant Cat's Delivery

If you have a pregnant cat, naturally you want the birthing process to go smoothly. Fortunately, there are a few easy things you can do to prepare for her upcoming labor. Here are some simple ways to get her ready, as well as signs that she's in labor so that Mama and the babies have the best chance at being healthy.  Due Date It's important to know exactly when the kittens are expected to arrive.

How to Feed Your Dog from Puppy to Adult

Meeting your dog's nutritional needs is not only good for their health but also makes for a happy animal. Whether you've recently adopted a new canine or just want to be sure you're feeding your beloved pet the right way, here are some general rules to follow from puppyhood throughout the adult years.  General Rules for Puppies Puppies need to be trained on good behavior so they respond to their owner's commands.

Two Things You Should Know About Moving Box Turtles Cross-Country

Although box turtles make good pets for people willing to invest the time and effort to care for them, these animals do have some disadvantages that can have a negative impact on their owners' lives. In particular, these turtles can present some unique challenges if you try to move them across the country to a new location. Here's more information about this issue. The Turtles May Not Adapt to the New Place

Preparing Polly: Three Smart Ways A New Parrot Owner Can Be Ready For An Avian Emergency

During your parrot's lifetime, a situation may occur that warrants treatment at the emergency vet hospital. Therefore, if you are a new parrot owner, you need to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Rather than waiting until a serious or life-threatening event occurs, take action now to be ready if your pet requires emergency intervention. Here are three measures to take before an unforeseen situation arises: 1. Locate a Certified Avian Veterinarian